Check Student Progress


For Students / Parents or Guardians

One way of monitoring your/your student’s progress is reviewing the Progress Reports and Final Report Cards. In the Fall semester, students receive a 6-week and 12-week Progress Report, and in the Spring semester, students receive a 6-week and 12-week Progress Report (as listed in the “Important Dates to Remember” document).  Final Report Cards are given on the last day of the Fall semester in December and then in June for the Spring semester.

If you would like to further monitor your student’s academic progress, you may also log onto Jupiter Grades or Infinite Campus where you can access your/your student’s grades anytime.  If you need log-in/password information, please contact the main office at (619) 656-2400 or email Assistant Principals’ Secretary, 

You also have the option of speaking with the teacher directly – in person, by email, or by phone (school’s main number: (619) 656-2400 ).  Teacher emails can be found in our Staff Directory.

Another way you can monitor your student’s progress is to have them complete a Bi-Weekly Progress Report form.

Responsibilities for this form are as follows:

  • Student – to download and print Bi-Weekly Progress Report from school website; give form to each teacher at the beginning of every period.
  • Teacher – to complete progress report.
  • Parent – to be sure the progress report is brought home and provide appropriate consequences, either positive or negative.