Below you will find links to each grade level with the library items owed (textbooks/workbooks/instruments) and the amount it will cost you to replace them, if they are not returned. The lists are sorted numerically by ID # so please be sure to look carefully. Instructions on how to do a ‘quick find’ for an ID # are listed on the top of the Google sheet.
12th graders:
11th graders:
10th graders:
(9th graders: Students and parents were individually emailed on 8/10/20)
If you have questions about or feel there is an error with your list of items owed, please complete the following Google Form and the library staff will address it with you directly at their earliest convenience:
As mentioned in my earlier email, in order to ensure that all students have the books they need when we start textbook distribution next week (details will be emailed on 8/11), it is crucial that we get the outstanding textbooks returned asap. These books will still need to be quarantined for three days, prior to being able to distribute them. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Another reminder for any students returning books, please have this form filled out prior to dropping off your books:
(We will have extra copies on hand for anyone who does not have access to a printer.)
Olympian High School’s
- Tuesday, August 11th – 5-6pm
- Wednesday, August 12th – 8-9am
- Thursday, August 13th – 12:30-1:30pm
Be sure to have your textbook return form filled out: