Important Yearbook Information for Seniors

Eagle Seniors and Family!

It’s almost the end of the year and one of the last things to do to make sure you’re represented correctly in the yearbook is to make sure your portrait is the right one. There are caveats.

If you didn’t make a selection previous to the delivery of the senior photos the studio sent the default photo to us. If you did make a selection but the wrong photo was still sent then please fill out the form. 

Please realize though that since it is close to our final deadline we do not have much time to receive the correct photo from Prestige. If we do not get the photo by the time of our deadline then we will proceed with the photo we already have.

If your photo is missing and you did take your photo with Prestige either at the studio or at school, please email us ASAP with the subject line ATTN: MISSING SENIOR PORTRAIT.


To go with the Senior Portrait don’t forget to write a senior quote-The form for SENIOR QUOTES can be found here

*Only accounts with a sweetwaterschools email will be allowed to access the forms. Non school accounts will not be allowed access.

Thank you,

The Yearbook Staff