GATE and Advanced Placement Information
GATE and Advanced Placement Information
The mission of Olympian High School, a leading school in the State of California, is to guarantee that each graduate will qualify and be academically ready for success in a four year college or university, through a coherent system of learning.
Olympian High School provides unique and challenging curriculum and instructional opportunity for all students with different abilities; students who are capable of achieving high potentials in:
- Intellectual Abilities-exceptional intelligence
- High achievement abilities-advanced ideas and high test scores
- Creative abilities-original thinking and expression
- High specific academic abilities-advanced levels in a particular academic/ability area or con
These potentials are challenged with rigor and differentiated instruction through our GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program
Competitive Colleges PowerPoint
GATE Testing
(Gifted and Talented Education)
Your son/daughter may be recommended for testing for participation in the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. This program allows for differentiated opportunities for learning commensurate with the gifted and talented pupils’ particular abilities and talents. Student eligibility for the GATE program includes a variety information and data including results of ability, academic achievement, and content standards tests; teacher recommendations; parent information; and samples of student work. Parents will be notified in writ-ing about student eligibility for the GATE program and options for program placement. If you have any ques-tions, please contact the district GATE coordinator, Mr. Wahib, at (619-656-2415):
Testing Timeline: October 29st to November 5th 2015.
Scoring Timeline: November 17th to December 4th 2015
Screening Timeline: December 9th 2015 to January 17th 2016
Parent Notification of Results: January 18th to January 29th 2016.
To get more information about this program go to:
Please join us at our next GATE/AP meeting: Thursday, March TBD , 2016 @ 6:30 pm in the MPR